Changes | Issues in Pregnancy

Changes/ Issues in Pregnancy

Nausea and vomiting (usually resolves after the first 12 weeks of pregnancy


  • Eat frequently, small meals.
  • Eat easy to digest starchy foods like plain pasta, crackers, potatoes, rice, fruit, and vegetables
  • Avoid spicy foods.
  • Limit fried foods and foods with a lot of butter.
  • Eat a snack before going to bed. Try foods like peanut butter on crackers or cold cereal and milk to help prevent morning sickness.
  • When you awaken in the morning, get up slowly.
  • Drink beverages between meals rather than with meals.
  • Get plenty of rest.
  • If you vomit more than twice a day talks with your health care provider.
  • Be careful of what you smell.
  • Drink enough fluids you could become dehydrated easily if vomiting occurs.

By including these simple yet effective tips throughout your day you can avoid severe back pain and can be more active throughout your pregnancy. However, if it gets severe, do not neglect it and consult a practitioner immediately.


Early-Signs-of-PregnancyConstipation is also a common complaint. It occurs because of hormonal changes associated with pregnancy and is often worsened by calcium or iron supplements Vegetarians may not have as much of a problem with this because of the high fiber nature of their diet. If it is a problem for you, be sure to drink plenty of liquid, walk every day, eat dried fruits like raisins and prunes (also a good iron source), and eat fruits, vegetables and whole grains.

You may experience occasional bouts of constipation during pregnancy. Constipation is caused by the relaxation and slowing down of your large intestine due to the continually expanding uterus.


  • Eat high fiber foods. Choose at least five daily servings of fruits and vegetables. Also try whole grain. Varieties of food items such as breads, cereals, rice, and pasta, seeds, beans, lentils and nuts are also good sources of fiber.
  • Drink at least 8-10 cups of fluid per day.
  • Try natural laxatives such as prunes or prune juice to alleviate symptoms.
  • Only take chemical laxatives with an okay from your health care provider.


During the final months of pregnancy, heartburn may become an issue. Heartburn becomes common as the growing baby puts pressure on the digestive organs.


  • Eat small frequent meals,
  • Go easy on highly seasoned, rich and fatty foods.
  • Walk after eating or sit upright to promote the downward flow of gastric juices.
  • Sleep with your head elevated.
  • Wear comfortable clothes.

Remedial steps to prevent constipation

Stay hydrated – Drinking lots of water and increasing your fluid intake can help make your bowel movements more frequent and less hard to pass. Be sure to get 8-10 glasses (up to 2 liters) of water every day. You are going to have fewer problems with constipation. Try to start your day with a glass or two of warm water. Always keep your body well hydrated, as during pregnancy, you need to fulfill yours and your baby’s fluid requirements. Apart from water, other fiuids like fruit and vegetable juices, especially, buttermilk, soups, coconut water, nimbu paani, kokum sherbet etc. are helpful in preventing you from getting constipated.

Add fibre to diet – Fibre has an important role to play in the body. It helps in giving bulk to your stool and thus, eases elimination. The natural sources of fibre are found in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and pulses. These help your bowel movements loosen up and stay regular. Include fiber as much as possible and increase them gradually in your diet. Eat balanced diet which is rich in fibre and support it by enough intakes of fluid.

Avoid stress – Stay away from stress and tension as much as possible. Try out some relaxation means, like meditation. These not only make you relieved but are also beneficial for the baby’s growth.

Including these tips in your diet and lifestyle can help you avoid the discomfort of constipation. Followed them along with advice from your doctor to help your body maintain healthy digestive system.

Note: Any medical information published on this website is not intended as a substitute for informed medical advice and you should not take any action before consulting with a healthcare professional.


