Kannada Actor Darshan Arrested

Kannada Actor Darshan Arrested: In a shocking development, Kannada actor Darshan, known for his fan-favorite roles, has been arrested along with 10 others on charges of murder. The victim, Renukaswamy, a resident of Lakshmi Venkateswara Barangay in Chitradurga, was found dead in a culvert in Kamakshipalaya, Bangalore.

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Renukaswamy went missing on Saturday, June 1, after leaving his home. His family reported him missing, and on June 10, the police confirmed his murder. The investigation took a surprising turn when three individuals from Girinagar, Bangalore, voluntarily approached the police station and confessed to the murder. This confession prompted a thorough investigation.

According to the accused, the motive behind the murder involved Pavitra Gowda, who had received rude messages from Renukaswamy. Acting on Darshan’s instructions, Renukaswamy was lured to a shed in Kamakshipalya, where he was brutally beaten. Witnesses reported that both Darshan and Pavitra Gowda were present during the assault. After Renukaswamy succumbed to his injuries, his body was disposed of in the Kamakshipalya drainage.

Discovery of the Body:

Renukaswamy body was discovered the next day, June 9. The gruesome discovery was made near Anugrah Apartment in the Sumanahalli area. Ram Dorjee, the security guard of the apartment, alerted the police after noticing dogs dragging Renukaswamy’s corpse from a nearby drain.

This incident has sent shockwaves through the community and the Kannada film industry. The police are continuing their investigation to uncover more details and the motive behind this heinous crime.

Pavithra Gowda

Pavithra Gowda, an Indian film actress and fashion designer. From her debut in the 2013 Kannada comedy “Chatrigalu Saar Chatrigalu” to her acclaimed role in the Colors Tamil serial “Amman,” Pavithra has garnered both fame and controversies.

Additionally, her foray into fashion designing with Red Carpet Studio has added another dimension to her creative pursuits. However, recent events have thrust her into the spotlight for an alleged affair with Kannada superstar Darshan, sparking a controversy that has captivated the Kannada film industry.

Darshan arrest, Kannada actor Darshan, Renukaswamy murder, Chitradurga resident, Kamakshipalaya culvert, Bangalore crime news, Kannada film industry, Celebrity criminal case, Sattva anugraha, Pavithra Gowda

